
Hospital's lab includes sections of the blood bank, biochemistry, urine, parasitology, serology, hematology, and hormonology.

Pathology lab:

Pathology Laboratory utilizes the most recent technical facilities and its scientific personnel to provide services associated with the diagnosing and monitoring treatment to honorable physicians and patients.

Laboratory activities in two clinical field and pathology are active.

Clinical field:

  • Performing all biochemistry, hormonology, Immunoserology and hematology tests using full automatic devices and rendering the results in the shortest possible time.
  • Performing prenatal tests for pregnant women (double marker and quad marker)
  • Measuring and presenting results of all types of cancer markers in the least possible time
  • Regular attendance in three external control assessment program courses
  • Regular quality control by experts outside the hospital

laboratory provides services 24 hours a day for patients in departments and clinics.

