Yasrebi Hospital

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owned and operated by Kashan Moheb Company.

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Board of Director

Nanakar, Reza

Chief Executive

Sarvizade, mostafa

Hospital Chief

Neck Lift

  • Many people are ashamed of showing their necks. The neck usually shows signs of aging earlier than other parts of the body. Also, sun exposure and extreme weight loss can make your neck look weak, loose and old. At this time, it is said that the neck has excess skin. These people always feel embarrassed that even in some cases it can lead to depression. Neck lift surgery can eliminate excess and loose skin, excess fat and weak muscle of the neck. Also, it gives the person a more youthful look with a lively, delicate and translucent neck and chin skin.

  • Neck lift candidate
    • Patients with wrinkles around the neck.
    • People who have had rapid and extreme weight loss.

  • type of neck lift :
    • Liposuction: In the liposuction procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision under the chin and removes the extra fat.
    • Cervicoplasty: In the procedure of cervicoplasty, the surgeon makes a cut under the chin, then lifts and tightens the neck muscles.
    • Submentoplasty: In the submentoplasty, cuts are made on the neck and the neck muscles are stretched and stiffened. 
  • Neck lift pre-operative instruction:
    Preparing for neck lift surgery includes having a prior consultative meeting, in which the doctor clarifies whether the patient has a specific disease that does not permit this procedure, and evaluate the reasons that led them to resort to surgery of this type. The plastic surgeon examines the skin type, texture, thickness, and amount of subcutaneous fat tissue, and is it appropriate for such an operation only, or does the patient need to undergo another procedure as well (for example a face or forehead lift) or liposuction to get the best results. Besides, the doctor refers the patient to take tests as needed - many tests are usually not required except for the complete blood count (CBC) and blood chemistry test. Among older people, it is needed to take a Chest X-ray and/or an electrocardiogram (ECG). Consult the doctor about medications that the patient must stop taking before lifting the neck. It is forbidden to drink alcohol for 48 hours before the operation and should fast for 8 hours before surgery. Aspirin and other painkillers, including ibuprofen, should also be stopped for several weeks before surgery. You should also quit smoking a few weeks before and after surgery as smoking slows the recovery process after a neck lift. Patients should refrain from exercise the day before surgery. To reduce post-operative neck lift swelling, it is recommended to minimize pre-operative salt intake. If the patient intends to lose weight, the surgeon recommends reaching a fixed weight before performing the neck lift to achieve optimal results.

  • Neck lift procedure:
    During a neck lift procedure, the operation is done according to the condition of the local anesthesia or general anesthesia. After sterilizing the area, an incision is made in the skin of the ear in the posterior line, and in the area of hair growth, to remove the folds in the skin of the neck. The skin is raised and the muscles and tissues under it reveal. The neck muscles are tightened without cutting. The excess skin and fat are then removed, and if necessary the lipids are suctioned from specific places in the same process. Then the skin is stitched to its new location. At the end of the neck lift, an elastic bandage is applied to the neck. Sometimes the surgeon leaves several tubes to drain fluid and blood residue from the tissue. The process takes 2-3 hours or more, depending on the type of procedure carried out. The patient is discharged on the same day of surgery but may require an overnight stay depending on the patient's condition. The patient will be able to return to work about 2 to 7 days after the operation.

  • Neck lift post-operative instruction:
    Usually, the patient remains under medical supervision for 24 hours after neck lift surgery. The elastic bandage can be removed within a few days, depending on stopping the bleeding. The stitches are removed after 10 days. Subcutaneous bleeding may appear, which is absorbed within two weeks, in addition to that may appear swelling in the area of surgery, which is expected to disappear within two weeks as well. Bruising and swelling are common symptoms of neck lift surgery. If the patient feels pain, he/she can use analgesics as needed. If there is pain that does not go away with the use of painkillers, purulent discharge from the surgical incision, high fever or severe bleeding, you should refer to the doctor immediately. About 2 weeks after surgery, heavy exercise and activities should be avoided. Patients can return to their daily lives after 2 weeks. Avoid tightening or bending the neck and use of facial muscles during the first days after surgery. The results of neck lift surgery are affected by several factors that determine the duration of recovery, which varies from patient to patient. Usually, the final results of the operation do not appear until after a few months have passed.

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